Since 2011 the Seaton Village Residents Association (SVRA), in cooperation with the Community History Project Lead, Mr. Ed Janiszewski, has been soliciting nominations of names for the lanes in our community. The project has responded to 45 requests for further information about the process within the City Policies. With the assistance of 18 resident volunteers to follow-up with 32 nominated names from 20 nominators, and with the help of a five member resident Selection Committee (Peter Groves, Matthew Kleinosky, Katie Thomas , Sally Thomas and Susan Wright,) we wish to present 20 names for specific lanes.
There are 50 laneways in Seaton Village so nominations are still being solicited. By familiarizing yourself with the City Guidelines City of Toronto: providing some background information and a contact, you can then send your nomination to
We are still looking for designs to incorporate into the lane signs which symbolize Seaton Village.
It is our hope that the process will acquaint people with Seaton’s history and character, encourage the use of our lanes, improve response from Emergency Services and City Works, as well as improve their attractiveness with the efforts of the residents.
Special thanks to Natasha Milijasevic ( for her photographic skills which has made for easier identification of the lanes. Also thanks to Mark Fram for sharing his knowledge of maps of Seaton and vicinity and creating the lane map you see. And more thanks to Matthew Kleinosky ( for his web skills to make the map interactive. The encouragement of Councillor Adam Vaughan and his staff is appreciated as this proposal moves forward through City departments. The continued support of Jennifer Hunter, Chair of the SVRA and its members, as well as the Board of the Community History Project keeps the Project alive.